Help is available! Find easy access to mental health and suicide prevention resources by using the links provided here.Help is available! Find easy access to mental health and suicide prevention resources by using the links provided here.
Riverside CARES Line
If you or someone you care about is in crisis and needs immediate help, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255. The phone lines are answered by trained professionals; the call is free and confidential. If you need to be connected to mental health services in Riverside County, call the CARES Line at (800) 706-7500. If emergency medical care is needed, call 9-1-1 or go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital. You may also call or walk into a Riverside County 24/7 Mental Health Urgent Care location. Whether you are in crisis or just need someone to talk to, all services are voluntary. All locations are open 24/7 and everyone is welcome regardless of insurance type or ability to pay.
Teen Line
Phone: (800) 852-8336
A teen-to-teen hotline and community outreach program with over 10,000 teens contacting TEEN LINE each year by calling, texting or emailing. The line is open every night from 6-10 p.m. PST to help adolescents address their problems in a confidential, anonymous and comfortable manner.
Safehouse Text Line
What’s Up Safehouse is a 24/7, free, anonymous mental health crisis texting line. Get immediate support from a licensed mental health professional. Dedicated to helping support the residents of Riverside County through issues surrounding anxiety, substance abuse, depression, school pressure, peer pressure, LGBTQ struggles, relational issues, suicidal thoughts, bullying, and any other issue that is causing trouble.
Text SHHELP to 844.204.0880 24/7 for immediate support and resources.